Later that night, I took the boys to see Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. Kasey came with us too. It was a really cute movie! Mason really enjoyed it! While we were at the movies, our husbands were hard at play at there flag football game. They were playing Delta Co. , which is the co. that Josh used to be in. They kicked Deltas but, go Gargolyes-wooohoo! Friday we didn't do too much during the day. That night we went bowling though with Kasey and Spencer. We had fun, I hadn't been bowling in a long time. Plus it was nice to get out of the house for awhile. I did pretty good that night, I got a strike-lol! I even beat Josh, but in the end Spencer was the winner.
Here's a cute video of Dylan and how excited he gets in his bouncer. This is while I was cooking dinner before we went bowling. Oh and sorry, I couldn't get it to flip the right way.
Yesterday, we finally went paint shopping-lol! We went to Bauhaus, which is the Germans Home Depot.The boys and I got bored waiting on Josh, so we took pictures-lol!I did find this amazing chandalier I want, its only 369 euro. Which is only 545 dollars-lol! We did find a color we want for our house and for Dylans room. So when we finally do paint, I will post pictures.
We also went to Real too, which is the Germans version of Walmart-lol! I wanted to go to Mann Mobila, its this huge store that has lots of furniture, decorations, rugs, kitchen cabinets, and all kinds of stuff for your home. They have some really nice things, but Josh doesn't like it because its expensive. Most of it is, but not all there stuff is bad price. Im sure they have some realy nice fall decorations, because they had really nice christmas stuff.Maybe I can talk him in to go look on Monday-lol! We also took Mason to see Aliens in The Attick. It was a pretty cute movie, but some parts were inapropriate for Mason though. So that is what we have been up to the past few days. Hopefully today, we can go to a pumpkin patch! It rained yesterday,but its not supposed to today. So be on the lookout for pumpkin patch pictures! I hope yall are all having a great weekend so far and remember that today is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it!
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