Cold weather is officialy here brrrr..... Today the high is 50, but let me tell ya, 50 over here in Germany, does not feel like 50. It was 38 this morning when we left for play group. It was freezing-lol! We did have alot of fun though! They have it over in the gymnasium where they do gymnastics. So there were mats for them to play and climb on, trampolines, wedges, and toys to play with too! Mason had a blast, I think Dylan had fun too-lol! Masons favorite parts were rununing back and forth on the long trampoline and crawling through the tunnels. I tried to get some cute pictures, but Mason never hold still long enough-lol! I did get a few cute ones of Dylan though. Afterwards, we walked over to the PX and ate lunch with Brittany and Latoya and their kids. It was alot of fun! Now were just relaxing inside where its warm-lol! Speeking of cold weather, here are some cute items I have my eyes on for fall-lol!

Well I need to get some cleaning done and a certain little guy is ready for a nap-lol! Here are some pictures of the boys this morning.

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