Sorry I havent posted anyhting in a few days. It has been a busy week, lots of cleaning and errands to run. Thursday morning I went to my PWC bible study. I love going, its such a picke-me up! On Thursday morning I go to the class Love and Respect. Its about marriage and this crazy cycle that were on. See women like to be shown love, where men like to be shown respect. So when women arent shown love they react with out showing respect. So that makes the man react without showing love. This cycle will just keep going around and around if we do not put a stop to it. This is deffinately a good book, I highly reccomend it! Its called Love and Respect by Dr. Emmerson Eggerichs. I was so upset yesterday. I was running to the commisary to get some funfetti cake mix to make yummy funfetti cookies! Well to my surprise, they dont have the cake mix, agh!!! It was so frustrating! So we just ended up making white chocolate macadamium nut cookies. We dont have too many plans for this weekend. Were going to go look at paint (finally) and run to the px. Im soo excited about tonight though, because its DATE NIGHT!!!!!! Yea!!! Josh and I are going out tonight with good friends of ours Kasey and Spencer. Were going to see The Ugly Truth. I know what yall are all thinking, that came out a long time ago. Well were just now finally getting it over here at our theater. I have been waiting for months to see this movie. It has that hunky guy from P.S.I Love You, and Katherine Heigel, I just love her! Plus Im glad Im going to get some time with Josh. He had to work late every night this week just about. So we realy havent seen him much at all this week. Tomorrow were going to take Mason to see Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. He's excited, he has been wanting to see it! We got the book from the library this week and have read it a hundred times already-lol! Well, I better finish getting ready so we can go paint shopping! Until next time, heres some pictures of Dylan.

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