So I was really looking forward to Josh coming home today, but he called and let me know that he wont be home till next Thursday now boo......... Gotta love the army-lol! The boys and I were supposed to head to the pool today with a few friends, but the weather turned out to be cloudy and only 74, so not a good day for the pool. Needless to say the pool trip was canceled. Poor Mason, he has been so bored the past 2 days. It rained all day thursday and then today it rained some too. So guess what the forecast for this weekend is? Rain, rain, and more rain. So it looks like we will be cooped up this weekend. This mommy has got to come up with some creative ideas to do at the house so the kids dont go crazy-lol!We didnt do to much today. The kids played and we read a few books. Then while Dylan took a nap, Mason and I watched Green Eggs and Ham. Mason loves Cat in the Hat, well Dr Suess I should say-lol! After nap time we went up to the commisarry and bought some batteries for Masons new Mickey Mouse Tag game and picked up a pizza for dinner tonight.I did find a cute bedding today I really like! I cant wait to get it and start decorating the babys room!

Well I hope you all have a fun Friday and have a better forecast for the weekend than we do-lol!
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