So Im a horrible blogger, which is no surprise-lol! We have lots of updates. We went back to Texas in March for a visit with friends and family. It was a long awaited vacation and break-lol!We had alot of fun visiting with everyone. We did lots of shopping and eating out, we miss American food-lol! We even went down to San Antonio for a night and went to Sea World, it was alot of fun! Dylan turned a year old in April, where did the time go? He started walking not to long after that too, so now hes everywhere! Mason went to pre-k for a few months while we were at home and he loved it! He did really good for coming in so late in the school year. Hes going to be 4 next month, agh!!!! I cant believe my baby is going to be 4! Tha means were only one more year from starting kindergarten, it makes me so sad. I know its part of life, im just not ready to let go of him yet-lol! We are expecting another little one, it was quite a surprise if you know what I mean-lol! We are having a little girl and are super excited about it!! She is due November 10th and we cant wait to meet her! We havent been able to decide on any names yet, but will let everyone know when we do. My parent flew over to see us for a few weeks, I was so glad they finally came over! We took them to see the Heidelberg Castle, downtown Mannheim, Ramstein,Dachau concentration camp, and we went and stayed a few nights down in Garmish at Eidelweiss. It was so nice there and a beautiful area! We had so much fun! We deffinately want to go back there sometime before we leave. The kids had a blast in the pool and the "ride" of course-lol! We especially enjoyed it more once we found out it was free-lol! We had been putting money in it, when one of the workers came over and told us we didnt need to, it was free-lol! So the kids spent forever on it! Then we came back and enjoyed the Festival here on base. We rode rides and ate some yummy food! We had a cook out for the 4th, it was alot of fun and enjoyed the fireworks. It was hard to see them go, we had alot of fun while they were here. So that pretty much brings us up to speed. Josh has been gone this week on TDY, he comes back home tomorrow and we cant wait! So the kids and I have been chilling at the pool and playing at home. I will post pics soon, Josh has our computer, Im using a friend of ours. He let us borrow one of his lap tops so I would have a computer and could talk to Josh. So I will download new pics this weekend. Hope everyone has had a good week so far, and enjoying this summer break!