Everythings a okay
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street!
Ok so you can all guess, thats the Sesame Street theme song. We went and saw a show here yesterday. It had Elmo, Cookie Monster, Grover, Zoe and Rosita in it. It was a cute little show teaching children ways to cope with a deployment. Mason was so excited! He had been waiting for a month to go see it. It was really cool they gave out free souveniers! It was a little toy with elmo on top that lit up and spun around when you push the button. He already has one at home that we had purchased from a previous Sesame Street live show we had been to. He was still excited though to get one, they even gave dylan one too-lol! They let the kids sit right up by the stage, so of course Mason was right up there front row-lol! He was soo cute though during the show, he kept trying to show Elmo his spinner! We had a pretty good day yesterday. Mason and I went to church. Mason always has a good time in childrens church. He loves it too, because they always give them cookies for a snack-lol! After that, Josh worked on his mini aka "his new baby", while I sat up stairs and watched tv while the kiddos took a nap. Then we went to the show, which was really cute and fun. So it was a pretty good day. I hope you all had a great weekend and have a great week!

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