Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Dylan!!
Happy 5 month birthday sweet Dylan! Its hard to believe that just 5 months ago you entered our lives. We loved him to bits the moment we laid our eyes on him. Now today, he has a little less hair, cooing and laughing, rolls over like a pro, a cute personality, a tooth coming in, and a smile that will melt your heart. We love you sweet Dylan and thank God for the joy you brings to our lives.
Monday, September 28, 2009
My little Dylan...
I thought this was sweet...
Mother's Heart
I loved you from the very start,
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
Our life together has just begun
You're part of me my little one.
As mother with child, each day I grew,
My mind was filled with thoughts of you.
I'd daydream of the things we'd share,
Like late-night bottles and Teddy bears.
Like first steps and skinned knees,
Like bedtime stories and ABC's.
I thought of things you'd want to know,
Like how birds fly and flowers grow.
I thought of lessons I'd need to share,
Like standing tall and playing fair.
When I first saw your precious face,
I prayed your life be touched with grace.
I thanked the angels from above,
And promised you unending love.
Each night I lay you down to sleep,
I gently kiss your head and cheek.
I count your little fingers and toes;
I memorize your eyes and nose.
I linger at your nursery door,
Awed each day I love you more.
Through misty eyes, I dim the light,
I whisper, "I love you" every night.
I loved you from the very start,
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
As mother and child our journeys begin,
My heart's yours forever little one.

Mother's Heart
I loved you from the very start,
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
Our life together has just begun
You're part of me my little one.
As mother with child, each day I grew,
My mind was filled with thoughts of you.
I'd daydream of the things we'd share,
Like late-night bottles and Teddy bears.
Like first steps and skinned knees,
Like bedtime stories and ABC's.
I thought of things you'd want to know,
Like how birds fly and flowers grow.
I thought of lessons I'd need to share,
Like standing tall and playing fair.
When I first saw your precious face,
I prayed your life be touched with grace.
I thanked the angels from above,
And promised you unending love.
Each night I lay you down to sleep,
I gently kiss your head and cheek.
I count your little fingers and toes;
I memorize your eyes and nose.
I linger at your nursery door,
Awed each day I love you more.
Through misty eyes, I dim the light,
I whisper, "I love you" every night.
I loved you from the very start,
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
As mother and child our journeys begin,
My heart's yours forever little one.

Sunny Day, Everything's A Okay......
Sunny day
Everythings a okay
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street!
Ok so you can all guess, thats the Sesame Street theme song. We went and saw a show here yesterday. It had Elmo, Cookie Monster, Grover, Zoe and Rosita in it. It was a cute little show teaching children ways to cope with a deployment. Mason was so excited! He had been waiting for a month to go see it. It was really cool they gave out free souveniers! It was a little toy with elmo on top that lit up and spun around when you push the button. He already has one at home that we had purchased from a previous Sesame Street live show we had been to. He was still excited though to get one, they even gave dylan one too-lol! They let the kids sit right up by the stage, so of course Mason was right up there front row-lol! He was soo cute though during the show, he kept trying to show Elmo his spinner! We had a pretty good day yesterday. Mason and I went to church. Mason always has a good time in childrens church. He loves it too, because they always give them cookies for a snack-lol! After that, Josh worked on his mini aka "his new baby", while I sat up stairs and watched tv while the kiddos took a nap. Then we went to the show, which was really cute and fun. So it was a pretty good day. I hope you all had a great weekend and have a great week!

Everythings a okay
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street!
Ok so you can all guess, thats the Sesame Street theme song. We went and saw a show here yesterday. It had Elmo, Cookie Monster, Grover, Zoe and Rosita in it. It was a cute little show teaching children ways to cope with a deployment. Mason was so excited! He had been waiting for a month to go see it. It was really cool they gave out free souveniers! It was a little toy with elmo on top that lit up and spun around when you push the button. He already has one at home that we had purchased from a previous Sesame Street live show we had been to. He was still excited though to get one, they even gave dylan one too-lol! They let the kids sit right up by the stage, so of course Mason was right up there front row-lol! He was soo cute though during the show, he kept trying to show Elmo his spinner! We had a pretty good day yesterday. Mason and I went to church. Mason always has a good time in childrens church. He loves it too, because they always give them cookies for a snack-lol! After that, Josh worked on his mini aka "his new baby", while I sat up stairs and watched tv while the kiddos took a nap. Then we went to the show, which was really cute and fun. So it was a pretty good day. I hope you all had a great weekend and have a great week!

You Know Your a Parent When...
I cant believe Dylan is going to be 5 months tomorrow! Where does the time go? It doesnt seem like Dylan has been here for 5 months, it feels like he has always been here in our lives. Althogh I have noticed the changes in my life though lately.
1. It now takes me 2 full hours to get myself, Mason, and Dylan ready to look presentable going out in public, only to have an hour out then.
2. I feel refreshed and rejuvinated after 4 straight hours of sleep.
3. I have always loved big purses, but now I have the biggest of all, a diaper bag.
4. I go 2-3 days between trips in the car, sometimes even outside.
5. Spit up, drool, and other bodily functions don't bother me anymore.
6. My new fave tv shows have become Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse, Blues Clues, and Dora.
7. When a screaming baby and whining child in the store has become normal for you.
8. The biggest change is deffinately weekends. A usual Friday night is spent playing with the kiddos, eating dinner, bathtime, story time, getting both kids to bed, then usually off to bed for us around 10:30-lol!
My how the times have changed, but I love having such 2 wonderful blessings in my life!
1. It now takes me 2 full hours to get myself, Mason, and Dylan ready to look presentable going out in public, only to have an hour out then.
2. I feel refreshed and rejuvinated after 4 straight hours of sleep.
3. I have always loved big purses, but now I have the biggest of all, a diaper bag.
4. I go 2-3 days between trips in the car, sometimes even outside.
5. Spit up, drool, and other bodily functions don't bother me anymore.
6. My new fave tv shows have become Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse, Blues Clues, and Dora.
7. When a screaming baby and whining child in the store has become normal for you.
8. The biggest change is deffinately weekends. A usual Friday night is spent playing with the kiddos, eating dinner, bathtime, story time, getting both kids to bed, then usually off to bed for us around 10:30-lol!
My how the times have changed, but I love having such 2 wonderful blessings in my life!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
My Week So Far.....
So not to much has been going n so far this week. Last night Josh had a flag football game, and we won!!! They played Delta co., which is the company he used to work for. Mason had fun playing with the other kids there, especially rolling in the big pile of orange dirt! I wished I would have had my camera with me so I could have gotten a picture of him. He looked like an umpa lumpa lol! Today I pretty much spent cleaning up messes. Mason decided to unroll a whole roll of toilet paper today, decorate and decorate the floor and his face with markers. Then Dylan had one of those up the back poopy diapers, I dont see how they do that-lol! Tonight Spencer and Kasey came over for dinner. I made chicken spaghetti. Mason enjoyed along with 5 rolls, green beans, and a brownie. Hes like a bottomless pitt. Im glad they were here though, Josh didn't get home till 8. So it was nice to have some company. Hope all of you are having a good week so far. Now its time for bed, Im pretty tired. A certain little baby hasnt been sleeping so well lately. Hopefully he will do better tonight.
Mason is such a sweet big brother. He was wating for me to come read to him and i came in and saw him reading to Dylan, such a sweet moment!
Dylans little meltdown .
I just love his little rolls-lol!
Masons lovely artwork.
Mason is such a sweet big brother. He was wating for me to come read to him and i came in and saw him reading to Dylan, such a sweet moment!

Dylans little meltdown .

I just love his little rolls-lol!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Well today was a nice day. I got up at 9 and made blueberry muffins, mmmmm. I played with Dylan for a little bit and watched tv with Mason. Then we got dressed and went to church. After that we didnt do too much. Mason played outside for a little while and Josh went to the gym. After that Josh ran to Ramstein wth Spencer to pick up the t-shirts for there flag football team. So I stayed at home an enjoyed a little bit of quiet time while the boys took a nap. After thee nap time, my friend Kasey came over and took us to the commisary. Then I came home and cooked dinner. We had pork chops for supper with mashed potatoes and peas. After we got the kiddos to bed, we ate cookies and watched the end of season 5 of Desperate Houswives. I just love that show. So that was my eventful day-lol! Real exciting I know, but I did get a really cute picture of Dylan! Well I hope you all enjoy the last of the weekend and have a great week.
Mason playing with Dylan.

The cute picture of Dylan I was talking about.
Mason playing with Dylan.

The cute picture of Dylan I was talking about.

My labor story
Ok, so hear is my labor story with Dylan as promised. I know its only 4 months late-lol! I want to write about it anyways, so I can look back and remember about it. It started on April 28th, I woke up on and off all throught the night before and early that morning with what felt like cramps in my stomach and sides. I just figured it was because I was laying on that particular side too long. So I would just roll over to my other side. I kept having to get up and go to the bathroom everyhour too, which was more often than I usualy went. Finally about 6:30 that morning, for the 20th time going to the bathroom, I figured out I was having contractions. I went in and told my mom, "Mom I think I'm having contractions." I told her I had been uncomfortable all night, and my stomach kept hurting. So I started timing them, and they were about every 5 min apart. So I called my dr's office at 8 that morning when they opened. I had an appointment for that day anyways, so they told me to come right in so Dr. Rister could check me out.
So my mom, Mason, and I got up and dressed and headed off to the dr's office. My appointment was at 11 that morning and we got there at 9. I had to wait awhile, they were really busy that morning. As we were sitting in the waiting room waiting, what do you think happens? My contractions stop-lol! It was so frustrating, I was just sooo ready to get that baby out-lol! We finally got called back and went into an examining room and waited for Dr. Rister. Dr. Rister came in and checked me out and i was still 3 cm dialated but more thinned out. He looked at me and said, "Well if your really in labor then you wont be pregnant tomorrow and if your not, then you still will be." Not exactly whati wantd to hear, but what could I do. We wanted to go shopping, but it was poring down rain, so we decided to just go home for awhile.
When we got back home, I started having contractions off and on through out the rest of the day. So finally at about 9 oclock that night, they started getting consistent again. I would have one about every 5-7 minuetes apart. So my mom decided I should go to the hospitol and get checked out. I was reluctant on going, because I was just sure theywre going to just send me back home and tell me your not realy in labor. But I grabbed my stuff and went anyways.
We pulled up at the Women and Childrens Center at Hillcrest Hospitol at about 10:30. Becky was there to meet us, I just love her! We went inside, I checked in got my bracelets and they sent me on back. They took me to a triage room and hooked me up to the monitors. We then began the long 5 hour wait-lol! My nurse would come in and check me about every 2 hours, still no progress. I was stuck at 3. I kept having contractions though about every 5-7 minuetes still. Finally at about 4 in the morning, I had progressed to a 4, hallelujah!! So they decided to go ahead and admitt me. Just after she finished checking to see how far I was dialated, the contractions kept coming and coming. They were every 2 minuetes then. All I could keep saying was' "Oh God, oh God!" lol! I had my mom call Josh. Luckily we caught right before he headed out the door for work that morning. I told him that I was in labor and was getting ready to move to a room. He said he was going to go talk to his squad leader to see if he could get off for the day so that he could at least talk to me on the phone. See josh was coming home on leave in 3 more days, the 1st of May. Well dylan decided he wasnt going to wait anymore, he was ready to come out.
About 30 minuetes later, Josh called me and said they told him he could go ahead and leave early. So he said he was going to look at tickets to see if he could get a flight out that day. He was able to find a flight out, but it was 500 some dollars. He asked me if I wanted him to do that. It was a hard decision. Here I am sitting there having contractions trying to make a "financial" decision about my husband coming. If he bought that ticket, it would leave us withno mney really after he paid the bills. I didnt feel like arguing with him at the moment. Of course I anted my husband to leave right then, but I knew we would be left with little money. So he decided he was going to go ahead and get it. After that I finally got moved to a labor room. At this point I was just wanting my epidural.
After they finally gave me an iv, the nurse said after my bag of fluids was empty, I could get the epidural then. That was the longest hour and 15 min. of my life!! The nurse finally came in and checked me again. She looked up at me and was like, "oh my gosh your almost an 8!" She ran out to get the anestesiologist. I was like finally, I was going to get some relief. Boy was I wrong! I was so far along, that it wastaking awhile for my epidural to kick in. They kept giving me extra pumps of the epidural and chaning my position of how I was laying. Still not working. I was begining to think it wasn't going to work. Then one ofmy nurses came in and gave me some demrol through my iv. All that did was make me very sleeeeeeepy. Well between the extra pumps of epidural and the demrol, I finally got some relief. I was good and numb then-lol!
They came in and checked me again around 6. I was dialated to almost a 9, so he went ahead and broke my water. They said they were going to go ahead and let my body progress a little more. Dr. Rister arrived a little after 7. He checked me and said I was ready to push. After pushing for about 30 minuetes, he finally was out! I couldnt believe how big he was! He was 9 lbs 15oz and 22 in long! He had a little breathing problems at first. He was breathing to fast, but after a few hours, he was just fine. Mason was very excited to meet his little brother. He was just so sweet and precious. Josh finally did get there the next day. There was some issues. His mom was supposed to get him at the airport, but somehow never found him. So he got a hold of he the next day andhe rodethe shuttle home.
This was deffinately an experience I will never forget. It was deffinately a much harder labor than with Mason. But its always worth it, when you get your bundle of joy.

P.S. Sorry I know this was a long one.
So my mom, Mason, and I got up and dressed and headed off to the dr's office. My appointment was at 11 that morning and we got there at 9. I had to wait awhile, they were really busy that morning. As we were sitting in the waiting room waiting, what do you think happens? My contractions stop-lol! It was so frustrating, I was just sooo ready to get that baby out-lol! We finally got called back and went into an examining room and waited for Dr. Rister. Dr. Rister came in and checked me out and i was still 3 cm dialated but more thinned out. He looked at me and said, "Well if your really in labor then you wont be pregnant tomorrow and if your not, then you still will be." Not exactly whati wantd to hear, but what could I do. We wanted to go shopping, but it was poring down rain, so we decided to just go home for awhile.
When we got back home, I started having contractions off and on through out the rest of the day. So finally at about 9 oclock that night, they started getting consistent again. I would have one about every 5-7 minuetes apart. So my mom decided I should go to the hospitol and get checked out. I was reluctant on going, because I was just sure theywre going to just send me back home and tell me your not realy in labor. But I grabbed my stuff and went anyways.
We pulled up at the Women and Childrens Center at Hillcrest Hospitol at about 10:30. Becky was there to meet us, I just love her! We went inside, I checked in got my bracelets and they sent me on back. They took me to a triage room and hooked me up to the monitors. We then began the long 5 hour wait-lol! My nurse would come in and check me about every 2 hours, still no progress. I was stuck at 3. I kept having contractions though about every 5-7 minuetes still. Finally at about 4 in the morning, I had progressed to a 4, hallelujah!! So they decided to go ahead and admitt me. Just after she finished checking to see how far I was dialated, the contractions kept coming and coming. They were every 2 minuetes then. All I could keep saying was' "Oh God, oh God!" lol! I had my mom call Josh. Luckily we caught right before he headed out the door for work that morning. I told him that I was in labor and was getting ready to move to a room. He said he was going to go talk to his squad leader to see if he could get off for the day so that he could at least talk to me on the phone. See josh was coming home on leave in 3 more days, the 1st of May. Well dylan decided he wasnt going to wait anymore, he was ready to come out.
About 30 minuetes later, Josh called me and said they told him he could go ahead and leave early. So he said he was going to look at tickets to see if he could get a flight out that day. He was able to find a flight out, but it was 500 some dollars. He asked me if I wanted him to do that. It was a hard decision. Here I am sitting there having contractions trying to make a "financial" decision about my husband coming. If he bought that ticket, it would leave us withno mney really after he paid the bills. I didnt feel like arguing with him at the moment. Of course I anted my husband to leave right then, but I knew we would be left with little money. So he decided he was going to go ahead and get it. After that I finally got moved to a labor room. At this point I was just wanting my epidural.
After they finally gave me an iv, the nurse said after my bag of fluids was empty, I could get the epidural then. That was the longest hour and 15 min. of my life!! The nurse finally came in and checked me again. She looked up at me and was like, "oh my gosh your almost an 8!" She ran out to get the anestesiologist. I was like finally, I was going to get some relief. Boy was I wrong! I was so far along, that it wastaking awhile for my epidural to kick in. They kept giving me extra pumps of the epidural and chaning my position of how I was laying. Still not working. I was begining to think it wasn't going to work. Then one ofmy nurses came in and gave me some demrol through my iv. All that did was make me very sleeeeeeepy. Well between the extra pumps of epidural and the demrol, I finally got some relief. I was good and numb then-lol!
They came in and checked me again around 6. I was dialated to almost a 9, so he went ahead and broke my water. They said they were going to go ahead and let my body progress a little more. Dr. Rister arrived a little after 7. He checked me and said I was ready to push. After pushing for about 30 minuetes, he finally was out! I couldnt believe how big he was! He was 9 lbs 15oz and 22 in long! He had a little breathing problems at first. He was breathing to fast, but after a few hours, he was just fine. Mason was very excited to meet his little brother. He was just so sweet and precious. Josh finally did get there the next day. There was some issues. His mom was supposed to get him at the airport, but somehow never found him. So he got a hold of he the next day andhe rodethe shuttle home.
This was deffinately an experience I will never forget. It was deffinately a much harder labor than with Mason. But its always worth it, when you get your bundle of joy.

P.S. Sorry I know this was a long one.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Been Awhile....
Ok, so I have not been a good blogger here lately. So let me update ya'll on my life lately. Well back in February, I went back home for a visit, but ended up staying longer. I decided to stay home to have the newest member in our family, Dylan Matthew! He is such a blessing to all of our lives. Now I am back in Germany. I got back over here in July. Actually it was July 15th, the day after mine and Josh's 2 year anniversary. What a way to spend your anniversary, flying with 2 kids on a 10 hour flight by yourself-lol! It was hard leaving home, but it would have been even harder being away from Josh that long. So now Dylan is 4 months and Mason is 3. I will write in another blog about my labor with Dylan and Masons 3rd brthday. Lets see..... other news, Josh got promoted to specialist and moved to a flight company! He loves it, especially now that hes flying. Other than that, not to much going on right now, except for Mason driving me crazy with potty training-lol! I never knew it could be such a chalenge. We have had a few succeses, but i guess he's slooooooowly getting there-lol! it will be nice though when he does so we only have to buy diapers for one-lol! I think that pretty much gets it up to speed. I will try my best to write more and add pictures as often as I can. Its a little busier now with 2 boys. Hope yall all have a great weekend!
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