While mason was taking a nap, I sat and pondered on my life. I love my life as a mommy, but sometimes its just so tiring and exausting. Im sure all moms could agree with me on that. What I was thinking about the most, is how I have lost myself in this crazy, busy life. My days consist of taking care of someone 24/7. Dont get me wrong, I know thats my job as a parent, and I love staying at home with Mason. I love my Mason ,he's my world, but you have to stop and ask yourself, what about me? How did I loose myself? How do you juggle the time being a mother and enjoying interest and time for you? So I decided, I need to find that girl again. I need to find new interest's and things to do. It's hard over here, because theres not to much to do on base or off that I know off. So this could be a challenge. I need to do this though for myself. I think any woman makes a better wife and mother, when they have a better balance of time for themsleves and there interests.
After nap time, we made some popcorn and watched Curious George together. Mason is a kid after my own heart. Now every time we eat popcorn, he always wants a pickle too, just like mommy-haha! Today I watched him in amazement. I just can't believe sometimes just how big he's getting and how much he can do now. Like today while he was watching Dora, he said the word delicioso so clear and perfect. I was just like wow, now he's learning Spanish! He amazes me from day to day. Now were just sitting here waiting for Josh to get home. Were having yummy jumbolya for supper-mmmm! Well I hope that you all are having better weather than us and a great day too!
Our Countdown we made.
Mason sleeping at nap time, they always look so peaceful while they sleep-haha!
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