Friday, February 6, 2009
Bad news....
Well yesterday was a good day. Every Thursday, Mason and I go to story time at the library. He isnt always interested in the story, but he loves that craft part-haha! Yesterday, the story was about stars. So for there craft they made a star and colored it. Mason thought that was just so cool-haha! Today was an ok day. We went with my friend kasey, to take Bailey to the groomers to get her haircut. So that was nice to get out of the house for awhile today. We celebrated Valentines tonight with Josh, since we wont be here on Valentines Day. I cooked dinner and Mason and I decorated the dining room area. This weekend is not going to be fun though. Josh found out that he has to work tomorrow blah....... I was hoping I would get to spend some time with him before we leave next week for Texas. I guess I wont get to now. I know Josh is tired. They have had to go to work now at 6 all this week. They are going to have to work every weekend until the work is done, no fun at all. There suposed to have it all done by March 1st. So I guess I wont be missing out on much while I'm gone, since Josh will be working every weekend now. Poor Josh, I know he just wants some time to relax. Well I hope yall all had a good week and have a great weekend too.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A cold, muggy day
Well today was cold and muggy out. It didnt really rain, but was drizling out all day. So needless to say, Mason and I didnt get out of the house today. With weather like that and no car, who could blame me-haha! So days like these can go either great, or not so great. It all depends on how bored a certain 2 year old gets-haha! Surprisingly, today was a good day. We did our usual routine, watch a few shows, color, play cars or cooking. Although not all muggy, rainy days go like that. Im just glad that today was a good one. While we were coloring today, I decided to make a countdown. Mason and I are flying back to Texas soon, and he asks about going everyday-ahha! So I thought maybe if we make a countdown, it might help him visualize more of when we are leaving. So we called it the "countdown to Texas". We had 8 days left today. So I made 8 spaces counting down to 1. At the end of the numbers we put an airplane sticker, so when all the other numbers are covered, that means we are leaving for Texas. Im not sure if he completly gets the concept, but he loves the fact of putting sticker on it-haha!
While mason was taking a nap, I sat and pondered on my life. I love my life as a mommy, but sometimes its just so tiring and exausting. Im sure all moms could agree with me on that. What I was thinking about the most, is how I have lost myself in this crazy, busy life. My days consist of taking care of someone 24/7. Dont get me wrong, I know thats my job as a parent, and I love staying at home with Mason. I love my Mason ,he's my world, but you have to stop and ask yourself, what about me? How did I loose myself? How do you juggle the time being a mother and enjoying interest and time for you? So I decided, I need to find that girl again. I need to find new interest's and things to do. It's hard over here, because theres not to much to do on base or off that I know off. So this could be a challenge. I need to do this though for myself. I think any woman makes a better wife and mother, when they have a better balance of time for themsleves and there interests.
After nap time, we made some popcorn and watched Curious George together. Mason is a kid after my own heart. Now every time we eat popcorn, he always wants a pickle too, just like mommy-haha! Today I watched him in amazement. I just can't believe sometimes just how big he's getting and how much he can do now. Like today while he was watching Dora, he said the word delicioso so clear and perfect. I was just like wow, now he's learning Spanish! He amazes me from day to day. Now were just sitting here waiting for Josh to get home. Were having yummy jumbolya for supper-mmmm! Well I hope that you all are having better weather than us and a great day too!
Our Countdown we made.

Mason sleeping at nap time, they always look so peaceful while they sleep-haha!
While mason was taking a nap, I sat and pondered on my life. I love my life as a mommy, but sometimes its just so tiring and exausting. Im sure all moms could agree with me on that. What I was thinking about the most, is how I have lost myself in this crazy, busy life. My days consist of taking care of someone 24/7. Dont get me wrong, I know thats my job as a parent, and I love staying at home with Mason. I love my Mason ,he's my world, but you have to stop and ask yourself, what about me? How did I loose myself? How do you juggle the time being a mother and enjoying interest and time for you? So I decided, I need to find that girl again. I need to find new interest's and things to do. It's hard over here, because theres not to much to do on base or off that I know off. So this could be a challenge. I need to do this though for myself. I think any woman makes a better wife and mother, when they have a better balance of time for themsleves and there interests.
After nap time, we made some popcorn and watched Curious George together. Mason is a kid after my own heart. Now every time we eat popcorn, he always wants a pickle too, just like mommy-haha! Today I watched him in amazement. I just can't believe sometimes just how big he's getting and how much he can do now. Like today while he was watching Dora, he said the word delicioso so clear and perfect. I was just like wow, now he's learning Spanish! He amazes me from day to day. Now were just sitting here waiting for Josh to get home. Were having yummy jumbolya for supper-mmmm! Well I hope that you all are having better weather than us and a great day too!
Our Countdown we made.
Mason sleeping at nap time, they always look so peaceful while they sleep-haha!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Nap time-woohoo!
Well Mason is finally down for his nap. I always look forward to nap time! It means I finally get some peace and quiet and time for myself. Well today has been a good day so far. Its nice and sunny out, a little chilly, but definately warmer than what it has been. It was nice today, I actually woke up before Mason did, which is rare-haha! I always like it though. I get to sit down in peace and eat breakfast before I start off my day. After Mason watched a few of his shows, we headed off to the PX. I let Mason walk today, its kind of a long walk, but I knew it would ware him out so he would take a nap-haha! As you can tell, I LOVE NAP TIME!!!-haha! Mason did good while we were there, until it was about time to go. There is just to much temptation at the checkout. You probably all know what Im talking about, candy. It never fails, everytime were checking out, Mason wants something. Usualy tic tac's, or as Mason calls them, "num nums"-haha! So I had to proceded to argue with him that we werent getting any candy today-haha! So when he figured he had lost the candy battle, he decided to go over to the motorized wheel chairs. Thank God he hasnt figured out which button makes it go yet, but Im just waiting for that day to come. After that, we just headed home for some lunch. Mason watched Diego, and of course his all time favorite, Blues Clues. He loves Blues Clues! He is always going around siniging the song from the show-haha! So I decided today I would try and get it on video. Of course, he started singing and I didnt have my camera, go figure-haha! I did manage to catch him singing the last part of it, So I hope yall enjoy it. Yall can also see him grabbing his notebook at the end. he carries that thing everywhere with him, always looking for clues-haha! So right now Im just enjoying my peace and quiet!!! I hope that yall all have a time of day to enjoy some peace and quiet too.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Monday already?
So again as usual, the weekend seems to always fly by. We didnt get to do to much this weekend, because Josh had to work on Saturday, not to much fun. But on the bright side, the weekend ended well. We had a fun saturday night bowling with some of our friends. Mason calls it "throw the ball"-haha! Which by the way, I beat Josh-haha! I still love you babe! Sunday we went to the service here on base. After church, we went and ate at Taco Bell with Kasey and Spencer. After lunch, Kasey and I got have a long a waited girls day and went and saw Bride Wars. It was such a cute, funny movie! My husband was gracious enough to take Mason for the afternoon, to hangout with the "boys". Then to my surprise, I find my husband coming home with a bike and other things. See what happens when you leave your husband alone with the credit card for a few hours-haha! It was Superbowl Sunday yesterday, but needless to say we didnt watch it. Kickoff was at midnight here. I didnt see any point in watching it, because they werent showing the commercials-booo! Thats the whole reason I like to watch the Superbowl, is for the commercials. Our broadcasting network, AFN, wasnt showing them because there not a profitable network, so there for they were not able to show the commercials. So here we are again, another Monday. At least the weather is nice out today, thats a plus! Mason is still napping, but I will probably take him outside for a little while afterwords. Mason and I are looking forward to heading back to Texas for a month! It will be nice to see friends and family, and have fun shopping! Well, I hope you all had a great weekend, and are having a good Monday so far! Love you all!
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