was born on October 25th, 2010 at 6:55 am. She was 8lbs and 20 1/2 in long. It was quite an interesting experience. I started having contraction that Sunday off and on all day. I didn't think anything of it really b/c they weren't close together or getting any stronger. At around 10 that night I started having one every 10-15 min apart and I was cramping with them. I told Josh that I was still having contractions, but he didn't think I was going to go into labor. I told him I bet I was, but wasn't for sure. Last time I had contractions like that with Dylan and they stopped on me. I didn't end up going into labor with him till later that night. Finally at around 3 they were about every 5-7 min apart. So I told Josh that we better start packing. So I got up and packed my bag and packed a bag for the boys.We left the house a little after 4 to go drop the boys off at my friend Kasey's house. My contractions were getting stronger at this point. We got to the hospital at around 4:45. They took me to my room and checked me and I was dilated to a 4. So of course I asked when I could get an epidural-lol! They told me I would have to wait till I was dilated more and after they processed my blood work. Which of course was not what I wanted to hear at all. They kept telling me not to worry that she was going to come fast so I didn't really need one. After a little while she moved me to a labor room. The labor rooms are different in Germany than they are in the states. They have a big jacuzzi tub in there and a bed too for you to lay in too. Some of the rooms have this swing type thing, they call a labor swing, mine didn't have one in it. They have ropes above the bed and the tub that you can pull yourself up on. She checked me when we got into the labor room. I was dilated to an 8 then. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom so she said I could go and she would be back in 10 min to check me again. I began to cry then b/c I knew I wasn't going to get any pain medication then. I tried to go to the bathroom, but couldn't. I guess it was just pressure from the baby moving down further. I came out of the bathroom and stood at the end of the bed and held on while I was having contractions. My midwife came back in to check me. I was fully dilated then and ready to push. Pushing was the worse, there was so much pressure and pain. I screamed so loud-lol! Josh and my midwife kept telling me to calm down and were encouraging me to keep pushing. It was such a relief when she finally came out. She was finally here, my little girl! My dr, Dr. Lauk, walked in right as Josh was cutting the cord. He wasn't expecting me to have her that early or fast. My over all experience in a German hospital wasn't that ad, but I think I would have enjoyed it much better if I could have gotten an epidural. we stayed for 2 days in he hospital. It was pretty boring, everything on tv was in German and no one really spoke English either-lol! There were a few nurses that spoke some English, so that was helpful. Now we are home and everyone is doing well. She is such a good baby and Dylan and Mason love her! I was worried how Dylan would react to her, but he doesn't seem to mind her at all. Josh is home with me for 3 weeks, which I'm so glad. He's been taking care of everything around the house and the boys. I don't want him to go back to work-lol! The boys had fun trick-r-treating. Mason was Mr. Incredible and Dylan was a lion. Poor Abby didn't have a costume. We didn't know she was going to be here. She wasn't due till Nov. 10th. Dylan was so cute walking around with his little bucket. He didn;t know what was going on really-lol! He would walk up there with me and just stand there and people would just drop candy in his bucket. Other than that we haven't been up to much. Here are pictures of Abby and Halloween. Enjoy!