The sun is finally out!!!!!! It has been raining since Sunday, so we were so grateful for sunshine today! It feels great out too, its 70 degrees, amazing weather! The sun actually came out yesterday late afternoon. So we walked to the library and picked out some new books and a few movies. Of course we got one of Mason's all time favorite books, Green Eggs and Ham. He loves Dr Seuss!

We got quite a few other books too. Mason picked out Curious George 2, Flushed Away, and Horton Hears a Who out for his movies. On our way home we swung by the thrift store. We found a few things. Mason got a Little Peoples dump truck and a Thomas cup. I found a cute little fisher price farm car for Dylan. you push down on the cow and it rolls and plays music. Today I took the boys outside to the playground, since the weather was so nice out. I tried to get a few pictures of Mason for his 4 year old pictures. He was a little grumpy at first as you can see-lol! I eventually got a smile out of him though.
Not so happy here

Finally a smile

I'm going to get you

The pirate ship

Mason pretending to sleep in the hammock.

Trying to get a picture of the 3 of us, but as you can see Dylan didn't want to cooperate-lol!

Mason found this flower on the ground. He thought it looked like the flower from Horton Hears a Who. So he carried it very carefully upstairs, and of course wanted to watch the movie then-lol!

Well I hope everyone is having beautiful weather like we are, happy Thursday!